When compared with the Kamas Dofus Retro servers in which there’s hundreds of people going through gobball dungeon at any point in time, plenty of low levels because it’s slower to level up and lots of people wanting groups because everything is better at a large set of 8, instead of the 4 folks utilize on ilyzealle.
It’s a completely different version of the Dofus game (10 years different) but if that’s the Dofus you remember then it may be more suited to you. If you want that I wouldn’t really reccomend it to anyone and that anyway, it’s far slower and more buggy that desires a MMO experience that is complete and polished. Ilyzealle is better in many aspects, but really lacks the neighborhood feel that Dofus retro attracts. That is the most important facet to MMOs for a whole lot of people.
I new to Dofus retro looking to get Maging Guidance.
It’s mostly the same as any current manual, with the sole change im aware of is that they changed the value on vitality runes.It’s likely the only part of the Dofus game that hasn’t changed. Professions changed and the Mage UI got a massive upgrade, got new runes also, but the mage mechanics are the exact same.So basically any guide ought to be OK. Regrettably there is not a lot out there in English. Maybe some old-incomplete articles between impsvillage as well as the buy dofus kamas echo forums but no whole guide as there’s a LOT to learn about maging.
Rskingdom created the group
When compared with the Dofus retro 5 years, 3 months ago