Frankly do not create a video such as this when you didn’t even understand onyxia was outside on launch of wow classic gold vanilla lol. Did they simply present PvP equipment randomly that people did not know about. So when you say you moved to raid and everybody was just like WoW Classic that is far better gear, you’re either lying or your own stunt group was just up brain dead.From what I browse Swifty, it had been 4 phases to start with, then changed to 6 since people kept preaching they wanted Vanilla as it was. This was the same layout as before. For many of us around in Vanilla, it was hard knowing what was outside for the endgame because who knew what endgame was in the point.People and ranting here. He only says that he is worried about the pvp equipment and how the”grind” systems gonna be. And I totally agree. We can’t know for certain exactly what they gon na do with it and that I really don’t want it to be a pve game because balance is complained about by some cry babies.
Wondering why they do not throw before Molten Core at Tier 0,5, because of drop in 5 individual instances. I dont recall how powerful the items from ZG were, but they were weaker than those from BWL but somewhat stronger than the MC things if my mind doesn’t trick me. If right, why not discharging ZG between BWL and MC? As well as AQ 20 ought to be handled different. (but thats not really that necessary, however it would be great to find the personality becoming stronger like I described). Back in the days that they must fill in gaps to help new players (like T0,5), at the new release this is not really necessary.
I understand Swifty didnt talk about it in the movie but Blizzard confessed the very first honor system destroyed peoples lives. However, these times with YouTubers and streamers, they perform WoW Classic 14 hours a day I think it will be just nice. And the gear should be exactly the same. OP gear form pvp will free up folks rolling for gear from raids and will only have more individuals pvping that is a good thing.The last thing that you said about”no changes” is so true and I truly hope Blizzard will do it. It’s literally the sole reason behind many players to play with vanilla again. To go gold in wow classic through the items that where enjoyment and not fun, etc.
Rskingdom created the group they perform WoW Classic 14 hours a day 5 years, 9 months ago