I and it is sad to see the direction gaming is going. The gaming community seems to getting increasingly more inpatient and looking for fast satisfaction by gambling real money on this type of ESO Blades Items stuff. Spending real money for shortcuts. Purchasing equipment that you’re supposed to work for in game.Not trying to become a hater, but here is some feedback: loot boxes would be the bane of this gaming market. People loath them and also the fact you’re currently expressing pleasure from a gambling process that is glorified is extremely off-putting. Imagine if a kid is viewing this and doesn’t know any better then spends hundreds of bucks on the program because he/she saw how much pleasure you got from it. Your description makes it seem as if you are interested in to have an open conversation on the monetization – which is admirable and fine.
Your response to the loot-box benefits is really just praising this monetization system that is sketchy-looking. Especially once you consider that you invested $100 only to unlocked leather, iron and steel equipment instead of Ebony, Glass or Daedric – there really isn’t any reason for you to be excited over such low-level stuff. As a content creator, it’s important for you to call out a monetization system the moment it appears unethical as what seems to be the situation with The Elder Scrolls Blades. (Of course, I have not played it , so I don’t know everything about it i.e. how frequently can we earn chests for playing?) You look like a good enough dude, so I mean no disrespect but it’s a challenge for me to The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold take you seriously as it sounds Christmas morning to you for unlocking low-level equipment in the most despised monetization scheme in the business. Ruder individuals in this comment section are unfair in their outrage), but I hope for you to learn and enhance.
Rskingdom created the group the situation with The Elder Scrolls Blades 5 years, 8 months ago