As a 1st world player (o play Runescape3 bc I don’t beg na start over) it stinks. But hey guy, If I have to RS gold try out somewhat more so that some other guy can eat, then thats cool . That being said, there’s a chance that the match becomes ruoned bc of it but at this rate its a toss up if jagex will euin their owm game or when farmers will.Jagex will. Jagex has always been the one who was in charge of huge amounts of their player base leaving. Sure, robots are somewhat annoying, but jagex responding to it by eliminating free trade along with the wilderness did much more harm than the bots did. I think that something similar will occur in the future. Whether it’s jagex try discharge another pest infestation that is irreversible or to monetize OSRS.
Id rather have someone on the accounts training and doing all kinda of stuff like these servies other subsequently bots or jsut golden famrers crashing items cuz atleast then they’re people playing and training the account legit and helping their family simply playing the game for somebody not rwt type but theres me and I dont do it or condone breaking the runes but prefer this afterward bots and regular cheap OSRS gold farmers.The benefit in the Venezuelans playing Runescape seems much greater that the incovience of green drags being packed and resources coming to the match at a higher rate.
Rskingdom created the group o play Runescape3 bc I don't beg na start over 5 years, 4 months ago