Interestingly , despite 19-year-old Tom Edwards simply being 5ft 9″, his best stat is FIFA Mobile Coins his ridiculous 81 Jumping. As a full-back that’s FIFA Mobile Coins not ideal, but put up your custom tactics and get him in the box for free kicks and corners and this chap can be a great asset at both ends of the pitch. He got 73 Power, along with a work rate and 76 Pace. He is also worth £912k with exactly the same overall as Pellegrini, however he’s one less possible at 82 so on newspaper, he is very slightly worse. Everything depends on what your group’s weak points are.
If you want one of those three, be sure to pick them up before they sign new contracts since they’re just three of the most promising youngsters.Gian-Luca Itter is among the most well-rounded full backs we’ve found. He’s currently got a 67 overall with 85 possible, but he is only going to charge you £1.3m – a good price, especially considering that his elevated attacking work rate.
For an extra £200k, you could get Rüegg — he’s got the same potential as Itter but with a greater overall now. Rüegg’s strengths lie in his 82 Pace, 80 Strength and 79 Stamina along with solid Defending and Passing skills. He’s also currently on less than half of Itter’s salary, so while you’d be paying slightly more up front, in the long run buy FIFA Coins he could end up considerably cheaper.
Rskingdom created the group his best stat is FIFA Mobile Coins 6 years ago